One of the best way's to get better at anything is obviously the good old fashioned word we all can struggle with at times: DISCIPLINE. I know, some of you might probably be thinking, not again. Seriously it can be fun and even liberating once you learn the "art," (no pun intended) of it.
We can at times tend to think of discipline as being restricting. However when you consider or find how you can have self-discipline, you will find it can be a real benefit to your success.
We all have to work at it, although I've found for some it presents more of a challenge than others.
Also our desire or continued interest has much to do with this subject of discipline.The drawing here of my hand holding a pear is an example. Holding the position in my hand as students were filling the room was a challenge indeed, hence the meaning of this blog. When you set a target goal to be determined to finish this and make it good, you will suprise yourself sometimes.We have to stick with it and realize there is a reward at the end.
It may not be what someone else would invision, but that it where true creativity begins. After all, there are so many potential artist out there who would benefit letting go of the cookie cutters.
Be different, challenge yourself, and for goodness sakes, be original. We could easily copy something for our art and at times it's good to have something to look at to find inspiration. Other times you might just want to learn a style or appreciate someones approach, in these cases then full steam ahead.
I've found you will learn and grow much more when you look inside and around yourself, then try to come to it with a freshness no one else is doing. Move on from copying. Yes I studied the pear and my hand, however as in much of my hard work, it has taken great discipline to move beyond the obvious into a personal representation meant to challenge us toward a greater vision somehow. From an artist perspective, one can hope and trust somewhere another will find value and appreciation for the laborious task.
In hopes to be understood here please let me know if this helps someone to be more creative.
It's your choice. Choose wisely and have fun.